5 Best Things About Kumon from Home

Kumon Global
3 min readFeb 23, 2021
early childhood education

For students and parents who’ve recently been introduced to Kumon Math and English programmes, Kumon from home can be a wee bit challenging. This goes without saying for the first few months when both the parents and the student are getting used to the new learning approach. But once the programme and its several benefits are understood, the process becomes a cakewalk.

Keeping that in mind, let’s talk about the several benefits of Kumon from Home.

Establishes a pattern of academic success

Kumon is a home-based education system that aims at helping students develop their academic abilities and independence. The approach follows a distinct method of teaching: 2 days at the Kumon study centres and 5 days of home-based learning. But currently owing to the pandemic, Kumon is offering virtual classes and is available from home. The added focus on home-based learning enables students to develop a connection in their minds between the new concepts and topics they have already studied.

The fundamentals instilled by Kumon over time lead to accelerated learning throughout life. The children, with due practice, start taking up above grade level worksheets and solve them, which can open doors to new opportunities.

Reinforce learning

Most kids switch to video games right after they return from school. The Kumon from Home approach stresses the importance of dedicating at least 30 minutes to re-attempt the concepts learnt at centres. It helps reinforce learning and enables the kids to master the concepts much faster, helping them to move on to the next one more quickly. Kumon also gives homework to the child which keeps them engaged for a good amount of time even after online/offline Kumon classes.

Help them develop a routine

After school programmes are only successful if the kid comes back home and dedicates enough time to redo the concepts. This approach not only helps reinforce learning but also helps them develop a routine. This routine further helps them become independent learners, taking control of their own learning.

Ensure consistent learning

The last couple of months have been tough and quite distracting, especially for students. The chaos and limitations on movement lead to disruption in learning for kids. Under those circumstances, having a kid who is a self-learner and follows a routine, dedicating enough time to learning is no less than a blessing in disguise.

Kumon from Home approach clubbed with the online learning for kids helped to ensure uninterrupted learning. The online classes introduced new concepts and kept them inclined towards learning without distractions.

Foster the love for learning

Last but not least, Kumon from Home fosters the students’ growing liking towards learning. The key is to start at an early age when the kid is still learning to interact with his/her surrounding environment, his/her teachers, peers and the family members. And as parents, you’ll have a greater role to play. You must supplement the learning with some fun activities that reinforce learning and make the process fun for them. Kumon hybrid study model which is a mix of in centre learning and home based learning through online instructions is definitely built to foster the love for learning.



Kumon Global

Math and English Enhancement Classes for Children.